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Table of Content

 Abstract......................................................................3
 Introduction...............................................................3
 Design Criteria........................................................3
 Operating Environment............................................3
 Installation.................................................................4
 Concept Development...............................................4
 Flow Chart.................................................................5
 Project Component...................................................5
 Software Design.........................................................6
 Circuit Design............................................................6
 Hardware set up........................................................7
 Performance..............................................................8
 UML Diagram For Hardware Design.....................8
 Testing......................................................................8,9
 Test1...........................................................................9
 Test2...........................................................................9
 Test3...........................................................................9
 Quality and reliability..............................................9
 Target Product Cost.................................................9
 Critical Analysis........................................................10
 Code...........................................................................11
 Conclusion.................................................................13
 Acknowledgement....................................................14
 Reference..................................................................14


Progressions of technology around the world at tremendous flow, light following robot can be
utilized for Manufacturing purpose & Military action, from transportation to explore & protect
and advance armed robots are self-sufficient robots or remote-controlled portable robots created
for service demands. A mechanical robot system used for building. Manufacturing robots are
computerized, programmable and competent of action on several cleavers. Regular utilization of
robots comprise decorating, construction, welding dent and distance for reprinted circuit boards,
wrapping and classification, palletizing, production examination, and examination; all performed
by high power, speed, and accurateness. In the year 2015, the International Federation of Robotics
an estimated 1.63 million manufacturing robots were in ongoing global which supports substance
The Robotic Vehicle able to run forwards and continually turning path towards the central light
source. When the central light source is given the Robotic Vehicle should be prepared to hold and
perform a celebration method. The completely operational the Robotic Vehicle capable to turnabout
on and it should allow displaying heat and moisture reading on OLED display and user the
opportunity to work or not calibration methods for right DC motor left DC motor. Robotic Vehicle
surroundings and create a flash power threshold while scanning the light levels. Continually take
measure readings from Ultrasonic sensor distance, temperature, humidity sensor readings and perform
these in actual time on the Display. The LED’s should designate light magnitude and orientation of
the principal light source.
Design Criteria
By estimating the requirements of the main demographic for Manufacturing purpose & Military
action, and the determinations of the robot and its applications, the next product configuration term
models were recognised to be the common essential to prosperous robot intention.
Operating Environment
The ultimate device needs to be capable to move in indoor and also outside circumstances, as users
may desire to use it for tours to the external environment. Consequently, it needs a settled level of
robustness in its development, so that parts do not become destroyed or hit out of position by
shortfalls or cracks in the street. The common elevation of a mountable edge in the UK is four
inches11, and present that sometimes it is essential to run over barriers, it is important that the robot
can resist a ruin of that length. It obligation for traverse little cracks and potholes in the street,
intending the robot has to face both big influences and endless rattling. it can be determined by
utilizing combined lines such as PCBs and strong elements. The robot should be watertight, as it may
begin dropping while the consumer's excursion, that's why electrical parts should be shielded with a
watertight container. Which additionally implement some stability to moisture and condensation. lots
of drawing features need first be examined out on the model, so that the model is of inadequate
capacity and will be constructed separately from the ultimate result, analyses for models such as
robustness and its strength to manipulate declines cannot find out correctly.
 The product principal demographics is supposed to be Armey and industrial operation, the connection
method requires to
manage as desirable. Ideally, the robot will work accurately out of the box, as all hardware should
settle through the
construction method. 
The ultimate product must be as ready as possible to work. To decrease the number of difficulty for
these few proficient with technology and software, there should arrange for the robot’s maintenance,
i.e. there shouldn't any way for backgrounds changing the code. This involves the consequences that
define how greatly back the user the robot should support and set activity. 
The quality of this design depends on what technology is applied by the
robot to recognise the user and may be automatic. Meanwhile
archetype, there will be investigating to determine the ultimate techniques to create the robot without
installation will be needed after first
construction and the optimal frames for the software as well. An
archetype of the user-worn equipment will also be created and optimise as convenient and
straightforward to set up as feasible.

Concept Development

The entire configuration of the hardware is the first action in concept expansion. Basically, the model
was working to be the corresponding dimension that the ultimate result would be, though it
immediately grew the possible size of chassis would be extremely costly and not easily accessible.
This resolution was prepared to purchase a little robot frame and concentrate on improving the
different features of the robot added, such as creating the optimal circuit for the engines and how best
to perform the process for robot pursuing the consumer. The framework purchased supported for a
breadboard to be installed vertically on top of the robot, providing an additional outside space for
locating other parts such as the humidity sensor, ultrasonic sensor, android board, potentiometer, Led,
LDR etc and also loads for action weight-speed properties. To define other elements would be
required a circuit drawing was submitted.
Project Component

1) 2 LDR
2)2 LCD
3) Ultrasonic sensor
4)Humidity sensors
5) LCD screen
6) Arduino board UNO
7) Dc motor driver
8) L293d motor driver
9) Copper wire
10) Bread board
Software Design
The software design has started the programming language C. To build a robotic wheel run in the
ahead way, I made one engine move in an anti-clockwise route and then 2nd engine in a clockwise
way and to execute moves in the paths of both the engines reply on light dependent resistors.
Although the vehicle was working different device and which had set the clockwise direction of the
wheel in order to get the vehicle to move. Essentially, both the motors have to go forward direction
but reasonably both in the different. The data of two LDR’s added while loop so the code can work.
then joined the code for the Analogue to Digital change for two times, already for way 0 and
following for way 1 and given transformed digital power to corresponding LDR.
In order to get perfect reading on LCD including a library called #include <LiquidCrystal.h> and
Creates an LCD object. Parameters: (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7) for the pin 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. To carry out
Humidity and temperature at another library there is another #include <dht.h> a library has included.
Sensor Left- This stores the value of the Left Sensor pin to use later on in the sketch. Sensor Right-
This stores the value of the Right Sensor pin to use later on in the sketch. Sensor Difference- This
value is applied to define the difference between the Left and Right.
In order to get perfect reading on LCD including a library called #include <LiquidCrystal.h> and
Creates an LCD object. Parameters: (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7) for the pin 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. To carry out
Humidity and temperature at another library there is another #include <dht.h> a library has included.
Sensor Left- This stores the value of the Left Sensor pin to use later on in the sketch. Sensor Right-
This stores the value of the Right Sensor pin to use later on in the sketch. Sensor Difference- This
value is applied to define the difference between the Left and Right.
Circuit Design

Hardware set up:

At first connected Arduino board pin0 to Lcd pi D4, respectively pin1,2,3 of Arduino to RS, E, D5 of
LCD of LCD. RW, D4, D5, D6, D7 OF LCD connected with GND, PIN 0, 3, 8, 12, +5 volt of
Arduino board.
With an 8-way joined cable with microcontroller input the breadboard, output joined stepper motor, I
went on to energy stores links to 5V were associated to boards and the stepper motors only attached to
12V. the attached of all sensor, the LDR, and the switches with their corresponding resistors to the
breadboard with 5V power.
Lastly, with a cable attached to the PIC board, began investigating whether the hardware reacts
subsequently or not. 2 LED light combined with +5v and GND.
The ultimate robot need be capable to catch the light and It will more need to measuring distance
along the path, and able to read the temperature of current circumstances. Consequently, the robot
needs to be able to diversify its speed,
generally from stop to an active walking movement. It is essential for
the robot to be completely automated and accomplish these duties out of user intervention unless the
user may skip the robot and misplace it.
The average touring speed on the room is 3.10 feet per 10 second.
Although the purpose demographic is the military site and industrial operation, the robot necessity
also is helpful by the normal individual, and hence a speed of at least 4.10feet per second or more. 
The robot requirement light power to make sure that these speeds can still be achieved towards the
perfect direction.  It is not able to carry any weight that might be broken into the chassis. 


To congregate the three wheel robot vehicle, the Arduino Uno, Lcd, Ultrasonic & Humidity sensors,
DC Motor, L293d motor driver, two LCD& LDR, breadboards with the circuit had to be arranged
above the chassis. These did not fit as expected so resorts had to be built to implement all parts easily.
This connected 3D printing large bolts to build extra level for installing elements. A pageant of the
ultimate robot’s development can be noticed in the Documents. Subsequent, the components of the
model were compiled and trouble-shooting was effected to make any little errors that would stop the
robot of operating, the experiment found.
Testing 1: Light following option :
The first experiment was to examine whether or not the robot could follow the user at a fixed light.
To execute the test fair, the robot would have to follow something progressing at a constant light. This
was done by attaching torch light. It was determined that the robot would originally start moving at a
slower speed than the purpose but would immediately speed up until bright light, then slow down
repeatedly and stabilize at a speed comparatively low light. The robot would also follow at a distance
of about also able to follow the left and right side direction for changing the brightness option,
instantly stopped dark light option.
Testing 2: LCD, Ultrasound, Humidity, and temperature,
Humidity and temperature are able to show the Lcd display which is the current room temperature
option and also changing the reading whether it goes different atmosphere. Lcd is allowed to show the
distance maximum 233cm but here only have tested 10/12 cm.
Testing3: DC Motor, Drivers (L293D)
The motor works on hand rather than the floor.
If the chassis is quite heavy the motor doesn't work on the floor, it needs to as minimum weight as
possible. the motor driver L293d doesn't work with recommended power. it needs some extra power.
after use some extra power its moves.

Quality and reliability

The ultimate result should need as light care as desirable, as
that may not be suitable to be taken out by the consumer. This
indicates a requirement for the goods to be great condition and extremely
stable. The robot requirement, consequently, be automatically strong and created great, enough so that
components will not collapse or fit movable after use. Constitutional records should be recorded to
secure what specific light from the certain distance can able to catch the LDR sensor, the guarantee
for the robot should be worthless.
The power of the element is more broadly stable by heat or cold. In addition to the durability of
elements, the robot
should be created in a way that determines what elements go out the way by little forces, such as
driving off of a highway restraint. 
The connections must have tampered with and will be embedded in a twisted shut case that should
only be removed by particular technicians. The electronics itself should form of a PCB, securing most
robustness. the goals of the model, a breadboard will be applied, which is the suitable method to
congregate circuitry for examining and remodelling. 
Target Product Cost
The customer demographic for the ultimate robot is expected to
include industrial and military circumstances. Because it is essential to obtain the ultimate goods
should low budget as possible. A calculated cost can be determined by the values of developing the
model. The calculating price has made only the university project model only. chassis (£18), logic
unit, sensors (£35), DC motor £20, parts for the circuit transistors and voltage regulators (£15), which
total £88. In supplement to this, worker and transportation prices use, and another small component as
well. Even after labour costs, the local price of the model should not top of £100.  when the robot is
going to make for the military or industrial operation it must be stronger than this model. no doubt it
will considerably increase the price.
More analysis requires to be prepared to precisely divide the cost, as
analysis costs, employee wages and earnings boundaries need to be

Critical Analysis

1) Serial print didn't operate with LCD screens, but I have included them as the brief needs them.
* If serial prints are used then the LCD screen doesn't work.
2) Lcd doesn't work with pin share its pictures individuals pin only with Arduino.
3) If the chassis is quite heavy the motor doesn't work on the floor, it needs to as minimum weight as
4) the motor driver L293d doesn't work with recommended power. it needs some extra power.
5) The LCD screen doesn't work properly without potentiometer.
6) Coding is the most difficult part, as it was created more obstacle if the circuit made wrong.
7) LCD has only 2 row and 16 digits in a row, all essential information of humidity, temperature, and
distance need to rearrange with inadequate space.


A bunch of things resolute the correctness of the robot had planned. these issues were the ecological
occurrence in which the robot was experienced in such a fit surrounding, the number of difficulty here
creation the examination gap packed out or comparatively a smaller amount packed the category and
figure of the barrier .this issue mainly have an effect on the sensors. the correctness of the robot is
dependent relative on the sensors worked. thus the character of the sensor and its accuracy clear the
correctness of robot.
Acknowledgement - I have developed this report with the cooperation of several publications,
presentations, and Websites. I pay my faithful appreciation to all authors and specialists for their
works and participation. Particular gratitude to my unit leader DR JUAN CARLOS JÁCOME
FERNÁNDEZ of the University of Bedfordshire for supporting me to assist as preparing this report



1) Privacy Concerns About Children's Using Character.AI

2) AI-Powered Fraud Detection for inventory management software

3) COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the UK (presentation slide)

4) Artificial Intelligence


6) Ai Finance: Artificial Intelligence Finance Solutions

7) AI Ethics & Laws: Privacy Insights: Types of Personal Information Monitored by ChatGPT

8) AI Finance: 12 Kind Of Robot Will Elevate Your Financial Game

9) Vaccine Hesitancy in the UK

10) The Most Significant Concerns with AI Finance

11) Large Language Models

12) 5 Minutes in The AI Thought Chamber

13) The Story Behind University of Bedfordshire's Poster Day

14) Machine Learning Approaches in Cancer Research

15) Machine Learning-Based Biomedical Segmentation Algorithm

16) Cancer Research Image Classification: Exploring Machine Learning Techniques

Real time display

How to use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to change brightness of a LED



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