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Robot Automation

10 Jobs Most At Risk From Automation and Robotics in The UK

Nowadays, one of the hottest topics is the significant number of jobs at high risk of automation. This article presents the top high-risk jobs in the UK, based on statistics collected from the National Statistics Board of the UK government. 
Repetitive and Manual Jobs:
Jobs involving repetitive, manual duties are at the highest risk of mechanisation.
Routine-Based Positions:
Positions that do not require substantial decision-making or creativity are more susceptible to automation.
Technological Advancements:
The rise of robotics, AI, and machine learning significantly contributes to the automation of these roles.
Impact on Low-Skilled Positions:
Many of the high-risk jobs are in sectors that traditionally employ lower-skilled workers.
10 Most Jobs at Risk from Automation and Robotics in the UK:
Waiters and Waitresses
  • Probability of Automation: 72.81%
  • Significance: High-risk due to repetitive tasks that can be efficiently automated by robots and AI.
Shelf Fillers
  • Probability of Automation: 71.70%
  • Significance: This role involves manual tasks that can be simplified through automated procedures.
Elementary Sales Occupations
  • Probability of Automation: 70.69%
  • Significance: These roles often involve basic sales duties that can be replaced by self-service kiosks and e-commerce platforms.
Bar Staff
  • Probability of Automation: 70.66%
  • Significance: Similar to waitstaff, bar roles are vulnerable to automation through robotic bartenders.
Kitchen and Catering Assistants
  • Probability of Automation: 69.20%
  • Significance: Routine food preparation and cleaning tasks can be managed by robotic kitchen tools.
Farm Workers
  • Probability of Automation: 69.05%
  • Significance: The increasing use of automated machinery in farming puts these roles at risk.
Sewing Machinists
  • Probability of Automation: 68.64%
  • Significance: The repetitive nature of sewing tasks makes them highly automatable with modern machinery.
Cleaners and Domestics
  • Probability of Automation: 68.13%
  • Significance: Mechanisation in cleaning, such as robotic vacuums, reduces the demand for human cleaners.
Tyre, Exhaust, and Windscreen Fitters
  • Probability of Automation: 68.07%
  • Significance: Jobs in this sector can be replaced by advanced machinery and computerised systems.
Vehicle Valeters and Cleaners
  • Probability of Automation: 67.77%
  • Significance: Automated car washes and cleaning systems can perform these tasks without human intervention.

Approximately 1.5 million careers in England are at high risk of having some of their tasks and jobs automated in the future, according to an investigation by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).


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